Sarah Palin's enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List.

calendar   Thursday - October 02, 2014

State Of Flummox

Not sure where I’ll be the next week. Family health issues. I’ve got to compact all my weekend stuff into about 6 hours Saturday night, then I’m out of here to go visit and support for several days after that.  Not too much to worry about, so far the situation doesn’t look that bad. Have to take it a day at a time.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/02/2014 at 09:13 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 28, 2014




Busy weekend.

We’ve washed, dried, baked, and fried, weeded, seeded, shopped, and mopped. Sanded, painted, primed, de-limed. Run the squeegee, and the plunger, hit the stores and staved off hunger. Lost at bowling, grilled a tri-tip, gassed both cars and made two side trips. Tossed recycling and the trash, fixed a table, earned some cash. Laundered, vacuumed, did the dishes; not me alone but with the missus. I won’t say it’s been endless fun, but Honeydew’d, now Honey’s done.

And I’ve got just enough energy to make a pitcher of margaritas before we sit down to watch another bunch of episodes from our Breaking Bad Binge. As we head into Season 5, things are starting to turn bad for Walt; now that both cartels are dead he’s becoming a dark lord himself. I’m glad he’s lost his fear and found his confidence, but I think he’s gone too far.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/28/2014 at 06:27 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 24, 2014

Fine. Greens, Progs, and other Leftists: Commies At Heart

One from Rich K.

What you already knew, because you are not stupid. You understand “Progressive” and the history of the movement. This puts you many many levels above your typical under 40 slack jawed moron.

They’ve never gone away. They’ve been with us since the Wilson administration. FDR was a Progressive Marxist, and like Obama he was the biggest liar of his generation. Talk about “most transparent administration” - FDR had POLIO and spent most of the time in a wheelchair. Yet the complicit media hid this fact from the public not only during his first election, but from the daily news for more than a decade. His cabinet and his government were chock full of Reds. Outright spies, moles, plants, and major sympathizers.

Thanks to Dick Nixon and his pals, the word got out in the 50s, and the Reds had to run and hide, like roaches when you turn on the kitchen light. But they never left. They just went underground. Like Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton’s hero, mentor, and subject of her undergraduate thesis. And who can tell how many of Obama’s cabinet and close associates. Marxism is second banana stuff with that bunch, since so many of them are either tied to Muslim Brotherhood, or Black Liberation Theology, or both. Of course they’re all commies. Socialists who believe in their own small elite group being in generational control, with an all powerful central government keeping a dazed, doped, and dulled robo-citizenry in line. For their own good. If that isn’t within a hair of pure real-world communism I don’t know what is.

So. As Rich K pointed out, this past weekend there were all these “Earth First” rallies all over the country. In NYC nearly half a million benighted souls showed up to march, protest, and make a difference by bandying hashtags around. Oh, and they made a tremendous mess, leaving mountains of litter behind them.
Which is what they always do, because the truth of the matter is, all of this is “scene” shit. It’s “all about me”; look at me being cool! Look at me saving the planet! Look at me being a hipster douche greenie!. Look at me fighting Teh Man, man.



How many trendy groups can you belong to at the same time? Ah, if only they did interior design, and made cupcakes. With weed in them.

Here’s a link! Out Of The Climate Closet And Into Your Red Pants

Communists along with a few environmental groups staged a “People’s Climate Rally” in Oakland, California on Sunday, September 21, in conjunction with the larger “People’s Climate March” in New York City on the same day.

Wait — did I say communists? Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?


At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march. But in Oakland — always on the cutting edge — the entire “climate change” movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal. Any concerns about “optics” or operating in “stealth mode” were abandoned.

The “climate change” “crisis” is now nothing but the latest justification for “total revolution” and getting rid of capitalism forever.

Well of course. Some of us figured this out ages and ages ago, at least as far back as the Kyoto Accords. The one and only way this movement will EVER be able to put it’s plans into place, it’s carbon credits, it’s cap and trade, it’s lowered emissions everywhere, etc ... AND BE ABLE TO ENFORCE THEM is to have a universal, one world government. And that’s means communism, aka elitist generational socialism. And to get there they are going to use the UN. This is what has been going on for decades. The Green Thing is just the latest.

Destroy Capitalism. Destroy Consumerism. Destroy America.  Destroy Europe. No nukes, no oil, no coal, and nobody white is allowed to build or burn anything. Funny thing, they never have any problems with the people outside the Rain Forest in South America, anyone non-white anywhere in Africa, they certainly never have problems with anyone pisslamic, and they just love their 4 billion little brown and yellow buddies on the far side of the world. No restrictions on them at all, ever. Gosh, perhaps because half of them are already commies to start with?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/24/2014 at 09:23 PM   
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Your Daily Beheading, plus local work for me

Where’s Christopher? I was hoping he’d have something today.

Sorry, I’m busy making some money. Had a window job Monday, and I’m repairing an antique table today.

Maybe I’ll get something up later.

I haven’t hardly even seen the news ... what’s this?? ISIS and their affiliates have now beheaded a French guy? Wow, it’s like they’re trying to piss off the whole world, a piece at a time? Like they want everyone to gather together and come stomp them?

Well yeah, actually they do. In case you hadn’t noticed, they are an apocalyptic cult. If Armageddon doesn’t happen, they don’t get their Mooslimb Miracle.

Wait, isn’t that the same thing that the Iranians believe in? That whole 12th Imam shizz? Or do we now have conflicting jizzlamic end of days legends, and they’ll have to fight it out again?? This is becoming a stuck record.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/24/2014 at 01:50 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 23, 2014

tired now

I spent all morning at the dentist. Got a fair amount of necessary work done. Only two more trips next month and I’ll be done, and only need cleanings for a few years.

Now that most of the Novacaine has worn off, and my mouth no longer feels like it’s the size of a watermelon, I think I need a nap.

I was a good patient, calm and cooperative. But I so hate going to the dentist. Beats me why; my doctor is top notch. It just feels like volunteering for a bit of recreational torture. “Just a few lacerations today please, and how about we only dislocate one, no, call it two, joints. Thanks awfully.” Once I’m in the chair I’m fine. It’s getting there that’s hard to do.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/23/2014 at 01:42 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 21, 2014

Country Nights

10 to 3 in the morning here. I’m up having a cuppa tea.

I woke up about half an hour ago to the sound of gunfire. I’m certain of it; we have a public blackpowder range less than a mile away in the next dell over, and hunters use the nature reserve a couple of fields over the other way. So I’m no stranger to the sound around here. This was closer, a few hundred yards away, and not the fast pop of shotguns or the fwump of muzzle guns. Rifles, or big pistols. It wasn’t panicked rapid fire, but it was measured. Bang. Pause, pause. Bang. Pause, pause. Bang. Pause, pause, pause. Bang. Pause. Bang. Pause, pause. Bang. Six, perhaps seven shots. The last one was closer, or pointed more this way, but all of them were the same. You know how you can hear when there’s 3 or 4 hunters going after some birds, how each one’s gun sounds a little different? No, these were all the same. And they certainly weren’t doors or windows slamming, or someone snapping sheets or towels fresh from the laundry. Twas guns.

One nice thing about semi-rural life, is that when you hear gunfire in the middle of the night (and assuming no accompanying screams, thuds, or bullet impacts you can hear), you don’t think drive by. You don’t think break in. You think geez, was it a bear, or are they going to jacklight the whole herd? because a lot of late night deer hunting goes on and we all look the other way and give thanks.  A lot of the time a deer will get itself run over when there are no witnesses, and the considerate driver will toss the carcass in the back of his truck to help keep our town clean. I guess sometimes those deer need to be mercifully dispatched.

And ten or twenty minutes goes by without hearing a siren, or any cars or trucks zooming down the roads here, so no fuss. Good. Nothing to be alarmed at. Certainly none of that overheard radio chatter from cop cars or ambulances. I’ve heard that outside my home (not here!) years ago, and lemme tell ya, it gets you right out of bed and into your pants before you even have time to think.

But now all is quiet here once again. Have a PG tea, a bit of a wee, and back to sleep for me.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/21/2014 at 01:52 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 17, 2014

a never ending problem

Ah, there’s good news tonight.

Heard on the news.  Up to 500 would be migrants heading for these shores went glub-glub off the coast of Malta last wkend.  Now that’s a nice number.
Their boat was rammed, it was reported, by “people smugglers”.
I know the folks referred to as people traffickers have a very bad reputation, and I’m sure it’s well earned too.  But sometimes they do good works, as here.
Unfortunately …. there’s a bit of bad news too.
Three are said to have survived, one a pregnant woman. Damn. More breeding in the future. Oh well, mustn’t dwell on the bad news and be happy with the good news.
Btw … BBC news says that the death rate has increased this year, with as many as 3,000 would be migrants having gone to meet Davy Jones since Jan. 1, 2014.

Meanwhile in other news of the day.

The white man’s burden continues unabated.  Sadly, it’s also a fatal burden for some.

Burton is said to have “attention deficit disorder” and the maturity of an 11 year old.  Oh well. Lets just excuse the rotten n***** and his pal.

“See Ya Guys” killer laughs as he is jailed.

Schoolboy, 15, LAUGHS as he is jailed for life for stabbing market trader to death after being asked to hand back a stolen watch

Karlton Burton, now 15, plunged a knife into the chest of Rashid Naeem, 29
He was sentenced today to life imprisonment, with 15 years before parole
Friend Javauntee Campbell, 16, was jailed for 10 years for manslaughter
The boys attacked the trader in a row over a stolen watch at Queen’s Market
Judge Richard Hone QC described the east London stabbing as ‘primeval’

By Rebecca Camber for the Daily Mail

A boy of 15 sat laughing beside his mother in the dock yesterday as he was jailed for the ‘primeval’ murder of a market trader.

Karlton Burton grinned and shouted ‘see ya guys’ when he was led down to the cells after being convicted of stabbing Rashid Naeem to death.

He and his accomplice, Javauntee Campbell, stole two watches from Mr Naeem’s street stall, taunting the 29-year-old father of two with the words: ‘Are you scared?’

The pair ran off, leaving their victim bleeding heavily. He died in hospital.

Burton, who was associated with gangs, was on bail at the time for attacking a rival’s car with an axe.

Yesterday Judge Richard Hone QC allowed him to sit next to his mother in the Old Bailey dock for her to try to control his behaviour. He is said to have an attention deficit disorder and the maturity of an 11-year-old.

Despite the special measures, the thug, who is obsessed with knives and computer games such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, continued to laugh, whispering to his mother and calling out to his friends in the public gallery.

Javauntee and Burton


If that isn’t bad enough, there’s this. And it’s beyond reason why this miserable shit wasn’t jailed long ago or deported or both. Whatever.
He came all the way from Swaziland age 9 end up murdering a pretty young white girl 12 yrs later.  All cos the authorities never dealt with the black bastard.

Mentally ill killer hadn’t been treated for 12 years

Phillip Simelane, 23, killed 16-year-old Christina Edkins on a bus

Happened months after he was freed from prison without treatment

His own mother had called police 21 times after string of attacks on family

Damning report has now found her death could’ve been prevented

By Amanda Williams for MailOnline and Luke Salkeld for the Daily Mail

A girl of 16 was stabbed to death on a bus by a paranoid schizophrenic who had not been given proper treatment for 12 years, a damning report reveals.

Christina Edkins died on her way to school when Phillip Simelane plunged a nine-inch kitchen knife into her chest in a tragedy that the report says could have been prevented.

Simelane, 23, was caught hours after the attack at a supermarket with the weapon in a carrier bag, and was jailed indefinitely after pleading guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Three months earlier, he had walked free from prison unsupervised despite his serious mental illness.

Yesterday’s report revealed how medical staff, police and the prison service missed a string of chances to get Simelane treatment over a 12-year period.

From April 2009 to December 2012 alone, he went through 17 mental health reviews or formal assessments by four organisations, involving a number of healthcare experts. Incredibly, none resulted in his detention under the Mental Health Act before Christina’s death on 7 March 2013.





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/17/2014 at 09:22 AM   
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calendar   Monday - August 18, 2014

i do not agree but … sad to say i actually understand

Not only do I understand .... I think I feel a bit of sympathy for the manager.
What’s he supposed to do?  Would I have done this?  I’d like to think I would not.  But I am not walking in his shoes, and it seems he backed down even before the threat was made. 
This is what our world has come to. It isn’t new of course.  In both world wars, German owned shops and even the next generation were treated badly and many shops were vandalized.  Seems to be human nature. Japanese were rounded up in America and Germans here in the UK. Not in the same numbers but it happened.

That said, this is something on a newer scale I think. 
The fear not just of looters and the lawless taking advantage of the politics. But the fear of that other group we’re all accused of being so phobic about. As if the phobia isn’t very well earned if it’s there at all.

Sainsbury’s store strips shelves of kosher food as protestors gather outside

The manager of the store ordered all kosher food to be removed from sale because they thought anti-Israel protestors might trash the shop

By Bill Gardner

A Sainsbury’s branch has caused outrage after staff emptied its shelves of all kosher food over fears that anti-Israel protesters might attack it.

The manager of the store in Holborn, London, ordered all kosher products to be removed while protestors gathered outside calling for a boycott of Israeli goods.

The incident happened on Saturday, the same day pro-Gaza activists attacked police and threw food around at a Tesco store in Birmingham.

Colin Appleby, an actor, took a photo of the empty shelf, prompting furious Twitter users to point out that many of the removed foods were from Poland and Britain.

Mr Appleby claimed a staff member defended the decision, saying: “We support Free Gaza.”

“I didn’t try to point out that kosher goods were not Israeli goods but they walked away,” he wrote on Facebook.

An official complaint was made to Sainsburys by Facebook user Gavin Pitman, who accused the supermarket chain of “targeting a group based on race”.

He wrote: “I presume you are aware that Kosher food is produced in countries other than Israel? You are therefore not making a political statement against Israel but instead are targeting a group based on race - ie Jews. As a Jew I find this deeply offensive.

“I presume you are also removing Halal food in protest against the Islamic state slaughtering Yazidis. Clearly not - therefore you have blurred the line between political statement and hate crime. “

A spokesman for Sainsbury’s said it was “an absolutely non-political organisation” and said the food was returned to the shelves “as soon as was practically possible”.

He said: “It was an isolated decision made by in a very challenging situation. It was chilled food and he was simply trying to preserve it.”

“It was the manager’s decision there and then – not company policy at all. A decision was taken by a store manager faced with a challenging situation outside the store.”


the same day pro-Gaza activists attacked police and threw food around at a Tesco store in Birmingham.

There’s that same cursed word again. “activists.” No they are not.  They are scum on a lark or criminals looking for excuses and any one will do.
Shooting them all grave yard dead would be fully justified.
Protest is one thing, but vandalizing and destroying property is purely criminal and gives comfort only to the vermin and defends nobody.
And these activist creatures know full well their protest is meaningless and will change nothing. Except perhaps the inflation of their own self esteem.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/18/2014 at 04:16 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 13, 2014

immigration …. again.

Staying with immigration ..... this is what Brits have to contend with everyday.  And it’s been going on for years and years. 

Killer allowed to live in Britain

Labour has condemned a Home Office blunder that means a double-murderer from Bangladesh can come to live in Britain.
The shopkeeper - known only as “ZR” - won his case to be granted entry on human rights grounds after a paperwork error by the department.
The man was convicted of murdering two people in Bangladesh in 1990 and sentenced to life imprisonment, but released in 1997 due to a “general amnesty for good behaviour”.

According to papers released by the immigration tribunal, he married a British woman in March 1998 and they had three children, all UK citizens.
In 2011, ZR applied to the Home Office to come and join his family, but was refused on the grounds that his admission was “not in the public interest”.
The lower immigration tribunal then backed his case under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects the “right to private and family life”.

But although Government lawyers could still appeal that to a higher authority, they failed to lodge the papers in time.
Refusing permission to accept a late appeal in the upper tribunal, Judge Peter King said: “I find that the application is out of time without any clear explanation for being out of time.

“I do not find that it is in the interests of justice or fairness for any extension of time to be granted. Accordingly this application is refused and time is not extended.”

Conservative MP Dominic Raab, who is campaigning to reform human rights laws, told the Sunday Telegraph: “It is a damning indictment of Labour’s Human Rights Act that a double murderer can claim a right to family life to skip past UK border controls designed to protect the public, and gain entry to Britain.
“Article 8 claims are making Britain a safe haven for the most dangerous foreign criminals.”


But Wait. There’s More.

American crack dealer cannot be deported ‘because he and depressed girlfriend will miss out on NHS care’

· Johnny Callie has high blood pressure, diabetes and a bad knee
· The conditions and his age would make finding work in the US difficult
· His girlfriend is too depressed to leave their home, let alone move to the US
By Steve Hopkins
An American crack dealer has won the right to stay in Britain because he relies on free NHS medical care and has a depressed girlfriend.

Johnny Callie was jailed for seven years in 2007 for conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin following a two-year covert operation by Ipswich police.
Callie was part of a 10-strong gang that flooded the area with drugs from their base in Colchester and was arrested following raids in August 2005.

In January, 2011 Home Secretary Theresa May refused to revoke an order for Callie’s deportation after he appealed the automatic order made following his sentencing in November 2007.

But the decorated Vietnam war veteran, who is suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and ‘degenerative changes to his right knee’ has now argued he would not be able to afford medical care in the US. He also cited the ill health of his long-term girlfriend.

The 64-year-old has been fighting his deportation through the courts since his release from prison in August 2010.
He earlier halted the order on the grounds it breached his right to family life under Article 8 of the European Convention for Human Rights.
Mrs May appealed that decision, but Judge Bernard Dawson ruled that Callie could stay.


Some of our readers, well come to think of it, all our regulars, have over time taken note of the judges who just don’t seem to be interested in keeping some folks out, or criminals in jails and when they do go, the rule seems to be short term. All in the name of human rights of course.
And when it isn’t crime and illegals it’s things like the following.


This Polish boy lives in Warsaw… So why do WE pay his child benefit?

By Sue Reid In Warsaw

Mateusz Kossmann is a ten-year-old boy with a winning smile.

Every morning, he’s taken to school by his mother Evita, who is delighted her son is in a small class of 14 other children.


The lessons are well-disciplined, pupils thrive academically and politely shake the hand of their teacher at the end of the day.

It is just the kind of education Evita wants for Mateusz — and she has found it in her native Poland after a dispiriting spell living in England.

Once Poland became part of the EU in 2004, Evita — like thousands of other Eastern Europeans exploiting the EU open borders policy — excitedly migrated to Britain with her husband Sebastian, and their young son, to begin a new life.

Sebastian, now 35, found an £18,500-a-year job in a Bristol factory and the couple successfully applied to be given £82 a month in child benefits for Mateusz, which is more than four times the £18 rate paid for children in Poland.

The Kossmann family is also entitled to £143 a month in child tax credits - a benefit not paid by the Polish government - to supplement Sebastian’s low income. This is paid annually, in arrears.

Like countless other EU migrants, the family qualifies for the child-linked benefits because at least one parent works in Britain.

‘From day one, we felt the British welfare system was very generous,’ says Sebastian.

‘We are receiving far more than parents get in Poland. Getting the child tax credits, too, was a big amount of extra cash for us and we were pleased.’

But two years ago, the Kossmanns reluctantly took their son out of his local Roman Catholic primary school in Bristol after realising he was struggling to learn.

In a huge class of 35, he was bullied, almost had a nervous breakdown, began stuttering and then refused to speak at all — in English or Polish.

Evita recalls: ‘At first, Mateusz put on a brave face about going to school, but he would come back crying each day. Then he began panicking about going at all. It was heart-breaking to watch.’


Have I mentioned the Romanian father of 15, that’s not his age, that’s the number he has fathered.
He earns £21 thousand .... but gets benefits of 55 thousand.
This is a very generous country. Just ask any native Brit.
Heck .... just ask he and his family.  Click their pretty pix for the whole story.


Finally .... aren’t ya glad, there’s this. Good grief Charlie Brown.  More of ..... them?
Yup .... all illegals and headed this way.

From Eritrea and Sudan, the new migrant queue at Calais: Latest illegal encampment to spring up has hundreds who are currently waiting for the first chance to escape

Hundreds of migrants set up new illegal camp in French port of Calais
Squalid, tented squat on town’s outskirts has been nicknamed ‘Jungle 2’
It was set up two months after previous one in the town was bulldozed
Most of the migrants in the camp are from Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia

By Paul Harris

Coming soon to a hood near you .... bringing what passes for culture and witchcraft not to mention disease and crime. Because they believe they have a right to be here, just like the romas and other vermin.  And few are actually deported because ... it’s true.  They have rights, some judges say.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/13/2014 at 09:26 AM   
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calendar   Monday - August 11, 2014

happy garden

I think my Canna plants are finally going to bloom. They got in a bit late, and the plant is a bit too tropical to do well in my area, which is barely Zone 6 for you gardener types. I think I put in the “dwarf” variety, although what came up has grown to nearly 3 feet tall at this point and dominates the rest of the garden. Great big leaves, although not really sturdy ones. For a Canna, 3 feet tall is a dwarf; in the deep South, these things grow 6 feet tall. And right now I see they have exactly ... one bud. Got my fingers crossed.

Oh, I wish these were mine!

Said to be a cousin of the banana, the canna is not too far removed from the useful tubers Taro and Cassava (latter being the source of tapioca). But the main interest in the plant today is not in its potential nutritional or pharmaceutical uses. It is widely regarded as an ornamental. Please notice we did not say it was prized as an ornamental. The canna, you see, is the Rodney Dangerfield of the Southern garden.

Cannas, along with prickly pear cactus, are frequently the only flowering plants found in ghost towns and they sometimes rival irises as rooted cemetery flowers. However, their perceived association with poverty and their habit of spreading themselves thick makes them flora non grata at many graveyards - especially those of the ‘scraped earth’ variety.

Ridiculously easy to grow, cannas will take root if dropped on sand, soil, asphalt, cement or slag heaps of radioactive waste. Before the arrival of the dumpster, towns had back alleys where garbage was hidden from view. Cannas grew so thick that people assumed the flowers appearance was a government beautification project. What convinced them otherwise was that the cannas throve - which they would not have had it been a government project. The truth is that these back alley orphans grew from roots discarded by gardeners who had exhausted other disposal methods like napalm, burial at sea and encasement in cement.

Sounds about right for my skill level of sticking plants in dirt. As in, ZERO. Sadly, this kind of bulletproof hardiness doesn’t apply up here in YankeeLand, where I was absolutely amazed to see a hummingbird the other day. Like I said, we’re just barely Zone 6 here, and these are Zone 8 plants.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/11/2014 at 10:15 AM   
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calendar   Friday - August 01, 2014

A Ladder Day Saint

That’s me. I got a call to come fix a leaky roof. So I spent the morning on a ladder inside the building finding the leak up inside the commercial ceiling, then I spent the early afternoon finding the other end of the leak up on the rubber membrane flat roof, which I had to use my big ladder to get to.

Got it done. Made some cash. And I’m such a saint for coming in on such short notice!

Turns out that the leak was caused by the roof mounted HVAC having a clogged drain pipe, so the condensate water just flowed around the frame and dripped off one corner, which formed a big puddle on the roof because the downspouts were clogged with several years worth of pine needles. So I swept off the whole roof, dug the masses of half composted needles out of the gutter tops, and used a broom to push all the water off. Then I went to the store and bought a $10 can of Rust-oleum LeakSeal, which is just like that “As seen on TV” gutter seal spray, except that the Rust-oleum product actually works. Climb back up into the ceiling inside the place, and give the joint between the corrugated steel roofing panels a couple of good coats. Wow, what a smell. Yikes! And it looks like things dried out and cured just before the thunderstorm got here. So yay me. I suggested they have their HVAC guy clean the drain pipe, and mount a hose or a PVC pipe to it and run that across the roof right to the downspout. Hey, I can’t do everything. Well, I can, but I won’t. And get some new downspouts. These things are in terrible shape, and half of them are all glommed up in the middle.

No magic underwear was involved.

Now I have to go back out and get 42 feet worth of ladders off of, and out of, my little old Saturn. Amazing what fits inside, and I don’t even have the station wagon model.

Internet mystery: nobody seems to know who did the punk rock cover of the jazz era tune “There’ll be some changes made” that Rustoleum used as a theme song for years. What a great little rocker; it’s worth clicking the link above even if you have no interest in spray sealers.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/01/2014 at 02:47 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - July 29, 2014

Up Above The Gay Young Wind Of Spring

Of Interest To Almost No One

I am a reader. Always have been. A glutton for the printed word. Books gravitate towards me so much that every few years I have to give away boxes full of them.

While helping my best girl here clean out a bit more of her mother’s house, I found a copy of Heidi in the bottom of a closet. Two copies actually; the newer, brighter one a 1938 printing “based on the 1927 translation” of Johanna Spyri’s 1880 famous Swiss novel. The one I brought home is a non-illustrated (well, one simple drawing) version from Saalfield Publishing; my guess is that it’s 1928-1935ish. Cheap. Old yellowed paper, cloth over cardboard binding. Kind of the same era as books that were my parent’s when they were kids, or a wee bit older. Well used. Held together with ancient little yellowed bits of tape. Several generations of names written in pencil inside, the remains of a DIY “ex libris” card made from tape and notebook paper. A well beaten old volume, brittle pages not merely foxed, but weaseled and badgered as well. Anyway, to my surprise, I had never read the story. So home it came.

Best girl here works for eye doctors as a technician. She’s the one who gives you most of your eye exam, including the refraction which establishes your prescription, on the lensy thing called a phoropter. The thing known to the rest of us as “is it better now ... or now?”


Yeah, that one. And one part of that test, for those that need it, is a bit called a near vision test (near point vision). This entails them placing a little card full of words of varying sizes on a rod that sticks out of the refractometer (or one of several other devices actually) 15” for you to read with your newly deduced prescription

image  image

Sometimes, instead of a card of words clipped to the stick they’ve got a fancy one where you can spin in different symbols, alternate texts, etc. Makes it more versatile. Although generally, it seems to be the same text. And I know, because I read the things every week. Because the doctor’s offices I clean on the weekends are eye doctor’s, and they all have the same stick with the same rotating card with the same bit of text:

“Up above the gay young wind of spring was singing through the fir trees”

I’ve had a bit of fun with it because a) it does sound really gay; b) the job is lonely and boring and I wind up talking to myself sometimes.

So imagine my Big Moment when I was halfway through this antique children’s tale, and I came downstairs chuckling and declaimed this evocative and colorfully written passage to her

It was the month of May. From every height the full fresh streams of spring were flowing down into the valley.  The clear warm sunshine lay upon the mountain, which had turned green again.  The last snows had disappeared and the sun had already coaxed many of the flowers to show their bright heads above the grass.  Up above the gay young wind of spring was singing through the fir trees, and shaking down the old dark needles to make room for the new bright green ones that were soon to deck out the trees in their spring finery.  Higher up still the great bird went circling round in the blue ether as of old, while the golden sunshine lit up the grandfather’s hut, and all the ground about it was warm and dry again so that one might sit out where one liked. Heidi was at home again on the mountain, running backwards and forwards in her accustomed way, not knowing which spot was most delightful.

Ha, found it. It was in Heidi all along. We laughed.

Now to find that other snippet from the other side of the card, the one about sailing the boat along the coast for hours while on the lookout for cannibals. Seriously, these cards haven’t changed since the 1940s, I swear.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/29/2014 at 10:30 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 24, 2014

Just Visiting

I’m outta here for a few days.

Off to visit rabbits and relations.

By, bizy backson.


I might be able to post a little bit from there. No promises.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/24/2014 at 09:15 AM   
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calendar   Friday - July 18, 2014

law and order in loony-land

There is no way I could resist posting this latest bit of lunacy from Loony-Land. ( with apologies to any Brit friends I may still have )

I read about police stations flying the rainbow flag of that other very vocal group. If you keep up to these things, and how does one avoid it anyway, you know that in these more modern and enlightened times, homosexuality is not only protected by various laws but is now something that requires celebration. With marches and their own flag and parades down main street.  Okay. Hey, if it makes em happy and nobody is hurt or inconvenienced, I think most of us can pretty well ignore them. When they let us ignore them. Hard to do sometimes.  I’m still annoyed that they have managed to hijack the language and wantonly steal the word ‘gay’ and make it their own.  There are generations now that think the term (hardly used as original anymore) The Gay 90s, refers to queens of the 1990s. 

So anyway ... this caught my tired eyes this morning.

Police fail to find culprit in HALF of all crimes: Critics say criminals ‘are getting away with it’ and demand tougher punishments after figures are published

Millions of offenders are getting away scot-free with police failing to solve more than half of all crimes
For some offences, three-quarters of investigations are closed without anyone being brought to justice
Sexual offences for the year ending March have soared by 20 per cent, including 26 per cent more sex crimes against children

By Ian Drury

continues here



This is the police’s new weapon in the fight against crime – a rainbow-coloured patrol car.

With flashing lights in various hues instead of the usual blue, it is intended to combat homophobic hate crime in Manchester.

But the new Hyundai failed to impress some gay rights campaigners.

David Allison of OutRage! called it ‘tacky’, saying: ‘It’s not going to revolutionise the worst parts of Manchester.’

The rainbow car will lead the city’s Pride parade next month before being put into operation in suburban areas to raise awareness of homophobic offences.

Funded by business donations, it will not be sent to crime scenes but is meant to reassure victims that officers are approachable.

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd described the car as an example of ‘modern policing’.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/18/2014 at 03:49 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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